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You should be less creative and more clickety, click, clickey
It is very important that instead of doing creative stuff with your computer you should use it to click on links on the internets like a hen hopped up on 20 espressos looking for seeds.
That way you can get that urge you sometimes get to do something useful with it to pass so you can quickely get back in your comfort zone, and let the time just fly away from you.
Here are some I visit every day. They are carefully researched to be nearly 100% fact free and contain no useful information whatsoever. That's why I like them.
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- Written by: Ola Andersson
- Category: Links
Read more: You should be less creative and more clickety, click, clickey
Very important historical date today! (It has to do with beer)
Today is the 75th birthday of the genious idea to put beer in a can. Yes. A 6000 year old invention could actually be improved!
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- Written by: Ola Andersson
- Category: Miscellaneous
Read more: Very important historical date today! (It has to do with beer)
The internets, its filled with funny people
A lot of people look at the world and get really depressed, not me! It's really simple – You have to choose to ignore everything that could potentionally make you upset or sad, and only see the good deeds and the crazy wonderful and amazing zaniness of complete strangers.
Who regardless of their own misery come together to worship at the temple of useless crap and consumerism (Amazon) and set aside some of there valuable worship time to write hilarious reviews of stupid products, just to make complete strangers who they will never know or meet laugh their asses off. If this is not an example of "The kindness of strangers", I don't know what is.
God bless them! :)
Click the thingy to read more of the funnies.
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- Written by: Ola Andersson
- Category: Miscellaneous
One beer Ola!
I have many interesting flaws, but I consider one of my best flaws to be my complete inability to hold my liquor. This is mainly because I did not drink any alcohol until about about ten years ago when I reached the mature age of about 30 and started making some terrible decisions. Coincidentally proving that age really has nothing to do with maturity. Look at me for instance, I'm about forty years old and am about as mature as any anyone, that is about twelve years of age or younger...
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- Written by: Ola Andersson
- Category: Ramblings
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Are available in the menu. Categories are not for weaklings. But for adventurers and explorers.