You have probably never heard the expression "The spiders best friend is women." That's because I just made it up. And also because women prefer all spiders crushed under big flat heavy rocks the size of cars. Even though women for some biological or evolutionary reason will not under any circumstances do the crushing themselves. That is what men are for. Luckily nature has instead of giving women the ability to kill spiders themselves, given them something far more useful, The "look". Women can make men do pretty much anything by stomping their foot, pointing and giving the man in her life "the look". We are powerless against it.
A more correct statement: "A spiders best friend could be Nina Katchadourian". She is a exception to the rule and do not want all spiders killed this instant. She is a very funny, and very creative artist, living in Californa. She helps spiders out by repairing their nets while the spiders sleep which is hilarious. It's all part of her series of artprojects called, Univited collaborations with nature – The mended spiderweb series. It's about people (specifically her), helping nature (animals, spiders, insects, fish and other wildlife) to do stuff, even though nature in general really hasn't asked for any help. That's the funny. There are some pretty surprised animals, insects and spiders around where Nina is.
You have to visit her site about this particular project to find out how the spider react when they find that someone has repaired their nets while they slept. And do not miss the last image in the series, I absolutely love that one!
While you are there, check out the rest of her very interesting website featuring her different projects. There are more under Uninvited collaborations with nature, and also a lot of other projects. I liked the one about cars parking according to their color just to name one of many. The sheer creativity displayed in her work will blow you away. Thank you Nina for creating stuff!
Image: Nina Katchadourian (used with permission).