Laughing Monks made of clayA lot of people look at the world and get really depressed, not me! It's really simple – You have to choose to ignore everything that could potentionally make you upset or sad, and only see the good deeds and the crazy wonderful and amazing zaniness of complete strangers. 

Who regardless of their own misery come together to worship at the temple of useless crap and consumerism (Amazon) and set aside some of there valuable worship time to write hilarious reviews of stupid products, just to make complete strangers who they will never know or meet laugh their asses off. If this is not an example of "The kindness of strangers", I don't know what is.

God bless them! :)

Click the thingy to read more of the funnies.


Here are few examples:

Laptop Steering Wheel Desk

Laptop Steering Wheel Desk

My fav: Lutwidge: "It’s an all too familiar refrain in our present economy: you have a family, you’re clocking 60 hours a week, and you have no time to make fondue…."

I first saw this product and the reviews regarding it in this blog entry: "Crowd Sourcing Comedy on Amazon Reviews" Pogue Posts Blog"


Tuscan Whole Milk

Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz

My fav: Ann Miano"It was a dark and stormy night...I was reflecting on my last tour in 'Nam...the flashbacks were coming like hot flashes. Through the lightning flashes and constant rave strobe lights, i could see the angelic light-block bottle illuminated. Suddenly, I felt a tang in my arm. It was a good tang, like pu-tang...or wu-tang. That's when i remembered i lost my arm in 'Nam 3 years ago. Then BANG! I lurched out of my daydreams of Megan Fox and 'Nam in time to see the milk on the floor. The "bang" wasn't the milk falling, it was the milk using my sawed off shotgun, killing my pet gecko. Silly me, I forgot to put the milk back in it's cage, everyone knows Tuscan milk's superpowers are activated by the deadly combination of lightning and techno music. This isn't much of a review, just a warning to all of those who like to enjoy a nice 128 fl oz of Tuscan Whole milk while having a rave in a hurricane to think twice. It's not worth it."


Zubaz Pants


Zubaz Pants

My fav: D. Barco. "I have found most pants do not possess the sheer testicular capacity needed to house a woman-pleaser of my caliber."


The mountain man Three Wolf Tee

The Mountain Men's Three Wolf Moon Short Sleeve Tee

My fav: D. Drury "Three Wolf Man" (a frigging video review!).

Denon AKDL1 Dedicated Link Cable

My fav: R. Blais "LOL WUT": "I accidentally dropped one end of my Denon cable into a glass of Tuscan whole milk I was drinking. Later when I finished my milk (yeah, I still drank it; should I not have done that?), my right arm (lost in an accident in 1987) spontaneously grew back. 

Is that normal?"

The story of Ping (A Childrens Book)

My fav: Joh E Fracisco: "PING! The magic duck!

Using deft allegory, the authors have provided an insightful and intuitive explanation of one of Unix's most venerable networking utilities. Even more stunning is that they were clearly working with a very early beta of the program, as their book first appeared in 1933, years (decades!) before the operating system and network infrastructure were finalized." Entire review here >>

If you don't get the funny in this you are not as nerdy as me, but don't feel bad about that! No one really is. If you would like to know what the funny is, it is this: Ping is a piece of technology inside a computer operating system, where one can send a "ping" to another computer, get a reply and in that way check that a network connection works between two computers. Ping is also the character in this childrens book who is a duck.. :)

Even more here!

There are even more funny ones in this presentation, I mean really funny ones! "Revealing Design Tresures From the Amazon"


Photo: Laughing Monks by Swami Stream.